MS-ESM Current Student Panel

Join to learn more about the MS-ESM student experience by hearing from Juliet Buntuguh, Michael Dorgan, and Tatum Nugent. Hosted by MS-ESM Student Ambassadors, Livia Sun and Weronika Witkowska, attendees will gain an in-depth perspective on being a student in the program and graduate student at Georgetown.

Bios for the panelists are below:

Juliet Buntuguh: Juliet is an MS-ESM student from Ghana, West Africa. A trained lawyer, she graduated as the top student in Conveyancing and Legal Drafting in her class. Before coming to Georgetown, Juliet worked with a Canadian-funded nonprofit in Ghana, where she played a key role in incubating green businesses that developed locally adaptive solutions to climate change. With a strong interest in development work, she aspires to pursue a career in sustainability management at The World Bank. 

Michael Dorgan: Michael graduated from the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill in 2022 with degrees in Environmental Studies and Political Science, and a minor in Food Studies. After graduation, Michael completed a fellowship at the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Surf City, NC, where he worked in husbandry, stranding response and rehabilitation of three endangered sea turtle species. Since the completion of the fellowship, and continuing through his time at Georgetown, Michael has worked as a Lead Grant Writer at the Center for Transportation and the Environment, an Atlanta-based nonprofit focused on transitioning public transit, municipal, and school bus fleets away from fossil fuels and toward zero-emission technologies. Michael's long-term career interests lie in environmental education, specifically harnessing the power of interspecies and ecosystem-level connection to create buy-in and action on the climate and biodiversity crises. 

Tatum Nugent: Tatum was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, and always had a love for nature. Tatum received a B.A. degree in Marine Affairs, with minors in Environmental Science & Policy and Spanish from the University of Miami. As a student, Tatum participated in several wildlife research projects in The Galapagos, Australia, South Africa, and the Bahamas. Her passion for shark conservation and coral restoration led her towards a career in science communications, with a desire to use science-based evidence to advocate for conservation. After moving to Washington DC, Tatum began a career with WWF where she worked in donor communications and stewardship, knowledge management, and measuring impact. She has an interest in strategic financing, conservation program strategy, and international affairs.

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