Virtual Class: "The New World of Work"

Join Georgetown EMBA Professor Dr. Jeanine Turner for a Sample Lecture on "The New World of Work" on Monday, March 13. As you move into virtual and hybrid workspaces, the intentional decisions you make about how to be “socially present” and how to address the way your audience makes these same choices has important implications for how you persuade. This session will talk about the challenges of social presence and provide specific strategies for how to approach and engage your audience.

Discover first-hand what you can expect to learn from Georgetown’s Executive MBA program. As an attendee of this event, you will receive an application fee waiver.*

Professor Jeanine Turner is a Professor in the Communication, Culture, and Technology Program and holds an Affiliate Professor appointment in the McDonough School of Business. Over the past twenty years at Georgetown, her research has explored the use of communication technologies by individuals and organizations. Specific examples of this research include the study of instant messaging and multicommunicating, computer-mediated bulletin boards as a form of social support, and the implementation of telemedicine technology as a means of augmenting the delivery of health care services.

The Georgetown EMBA is designed to allow mid to senior level working professionals to earn an advanced business degree without interrupting their careers. Classes are held on Fridays and Saturdays of alternating weeks, in addition to two international and two domestic week-long residencies which immerse students in real-world business projects. You can expect to be challenged by our EMBA curriculum, supported by our community, and transformed by an experience that will prepare you to lead your organization through the complex issues facing business now and into the future.

*We are pleased to offer an application fee waiver for those who apply after attending an event.

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